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список персонажей
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Поделиться12010-09-28 22:16:28
Поделиться22010-09-28 22:19:40
Harry Potter and Jinevra Potter (Weasley):
James Sirius Potter: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Albus Severus Potter: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Lilian Polumna Potter: Gryffindor;15years;5course.
Ronald Weasley and Hermione Weasley (Granger):
Rose Weasley: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Hugo Weasley: Gryffindor;15years;5course.
Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley (Delacurе):
Marie Victuar Weasley: Gryffindor;17years;7course
Dominick Weasley: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
Luie Weasley: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
Percy Weasley and Odri Weasley:
Molly Weasley: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Lucy Weasley: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
George Weasley and Angeline (Johnson):
Fred Weasley: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Xelenna Weasley: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Remus Lupin and Nimfadore Lupin (Tonks):
Theodore Lupin: 25years.
Oliver Wood and Alissie Wood (Spinnet):
Ostin Wood: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Katrin Wood: Slytherin;15years;5course.
Seamus Finnigan and Demelza Finnigan (Robins):
Arnold Finnigan: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Steffany Finnigan: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Dean Thomas and Padma Thomas (Patil):
Jastina Thomas: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Mia Thomas: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
Neville Longbottom and Hanna Longbottom (Abbot):
Alissia Longbottom: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
Amalia Longbottom: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
August Longbottom: Gryffindor;15years;5course.
Rolf Scamander and Polumna Scamander (Lovegood):
Logan Scamander: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Lisarde Scamander: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Cormac McLagen and Parvati MacLagen (Patil):
Jason McLagen: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Ritchie Coot and Romilda Coot (Wayne):
Bill Coot: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Daisy Coot: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Denis Creevey and Orla Creevey (Quirk):
Colin Creevey: Gryffindor;17years;7course.
Lamia Creevey: Gryffindor;15years;5course.
Jimmy Peaks and Sue Peaks (Lee):
Emily Peaks: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Roger Davis and Chou Davis (Chang):
Henry Davis: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Michael Corner and Marietta Corner (Edgecombe):
Jen's Corner: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Peter Corner: Slytherin;15years;5course.
Terry Boot and Isabel Booh (McDougall):
Mandy Boot: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Francis Boot: Slytherin;15years;5course.
Anthony Goldstein and Lisa Goldstein (Turpin):
Mary Goldstein: Gryffindor;16years;6course.
Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy (Greengrass):
Scorpius Malfoy: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Malcolm Baddoсk and Daphne Baddoсk (Greengrass):
Emanuele Baddoсk: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Justin Baddoсk: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Adrian Pucey and Tracey Pucey (Daviеs):
Edward Pucey: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Marcus Flint and Katie Flint (Bell):
Martin Flint: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Gabriel Flint: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Blaise Zabini and Millisent Zabini (Bulstroud):
Justin Zabini: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Brookelle Zabini: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Theodore Nott и Vein Nott (Black):
Kristian Nott: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Saphine Nott: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Thanati Nott: Slytherin;16years;6course.
Zacharias Smith Amalie Smith:
Alan Smith: Gryffindo;16years;6course.
Gregory Goyle and Kate:
Vincent Goyle: Slytherin;17years;7course.
Gwendolyn Goyle: Slytherin;16years;6course.